Measure your body composition with a DEXA scan

Kalos is a data science backed personal training service that uses DEXA technology to design exercise and nutrition "A/B tests" for our clients. We specialize in muscle growth and fat loss.

Our office is located at 98 Battery Street in downtown San Francisco.


Each 30-Minute Kalos Session includes:


A full-length body composition scan on a 2024 DEXA machine.
(5 min)

Expert Interpretation

In-person review of your results with a certified personal trainer, including your body's top strengths and weaknesses.
(10 min)

Customized "A/B Test"

Customized exercise & nutrition "A/B test" specifically designed by your trainer to complete over the next 6-8 weeks.
(15 min)

Priority Access

Priority access to our virtual network of personal trainers, dieticians, and nutrition coaches in between scans to ensure you're on the right track.

About DEXA

The most sophisticated picture of your body

DEXA scans are the world's most accurate method of measuring your body fat, muscle mass, and bone strength.

They've been used in elder care since the 70s, but have exploded in popularity over the past 5 years within the longevity community.

DEXA allows us to "A/B test" our health. It allows us to test the impact of intermittent fasting or bench pressing or being vegan with medical grade accuracy.

Kalos is a personal training service, founded by Harvard-trained data scientists, and staffed entirely by DEXA-certified personal trainers, that uses y data to design customized exercise routines for your bodyrack your progress either monthly or quarterly.

Trusted by the best

"We are really adamant that our patients get DEXA scans at least once a year. I think it’s a very important thing to be doing."

Peter Attia, M.D.
Author, Outlive

“In 5 minutes, DEXA gives a crystal-clear picture of mass imbalances that even outstanding physical therapists can miss after hours of observation."

Tim Ferriss
Author, The 4-Hour Body

"My DEXA scan this year had the lowest body fat on the team. It feels good to be competing with running backs on body fat."

Nick Bosa
Defensive End, San Francisco 49ers

Each appointment is just 30 minutes. We're located at 98 Battery Street, San Francisco.

Book a free 30-minute zoom consultation with one of our trainers today to see if KALOS is a fit for you.